Problem 2723 --Array - Reversing Numbers

2723: Array - Reversing Numbers

Time Limit $1$ 秒/Second(s) Memory Limit $512$ 兆字节/Megabyte(s)
提交总数 $1006$ 正确数量 $512$
裁判形式 标准裁判/Standard Judge 我的状态 尚未尝试
难度 分类标签 STL

Reversing Numbers 

Write a program which reads a sequence and prints it in the reverse order.

The input is given in the following format: 

a1 a2 . . . an 

n is the size of the sequence and ai is the ith element of the sequence.

Print the reversed sequence in a line. Print a single space character between adjacent elements (Note that your program should not put a space character after the last element).
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1

n ≤ 100 

0 ≤ ai < 1000

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本题记录 用 户(点击查看用户) 运行号(点击购买题解) 时 间
算法最快[$0 $ms] aha 822344 2022-03-17 19:07:42
内存最少[$0 $KB] 木剑温华 681329 2020-12-10 22:13:48
第一AC 刘成健 315121 2018-11-16 22:19:18
第一挑战 LSF 302889 2018-11-02 18:20:37

赛题来源/所属竞赛 会津大学《C++ Programming I》 C++程序设计(入门)

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