String Search
Find places where a string P is found within a text T. Print all indices of T where P found. The indices of T start with 0.
Time Limit | $1$ 秒/Second(s) | Memory Limit | $512$ 兆字节/Megabyte(s) |
提交总数 | $64$ | 正确数量 | $27$ | "
裁判形式 | 标准裁判/Standard Judge | 我的状态 | 尚未尝试 |
难度 | 分类标签 | STL 字符串 |
String Search
Find places where a string P is found within a text T. Print all indices of T where P found. The indices of T start with 0.
Print an index of T where P found in a line. Print the indices in ascending order.
1 ≤ length of T ≤ 1000000
1 ≤ length of P ≤ 10000
The input consists of alphabetical characters and digits