Given the pseudo-code of a function Build−Tree(A,id,L,R):
where A is given in input, id is the number of node, L ,R is the left position and the right position of A
Require the number of nodes created by Build−Tree(A,root,1,n).
Time Limit | $1$ 秒/Second(s) | Memory Limit | $128$ 兆字节/Megabyte(s) |
提交总数 | $9$ | 正确数量 | $4$ | "
裁判形式 | 标准裁判/Standard Judge | 我的状态 | 尚未尝试 |
难度 | 分类标签 | 树 |
Given the pseudo-code of a function Build−Tree(A,id,L,R):
where A is given in input, id is the number of node, L ,R is the left position and the right position of A
Require the number of nodes created by Build−Tree(A,root,1,n).
2 2 5 3
21 10 5 89 12 3 42 13 55 76