Stable Sort
Let's arrange a deck of cards. There are totally 36 cards of 4 suits(S, H, C, D) and 9 values (1, 2, ... 9). For example, 'eight of heart' is represented by H8 and 'one of diamonds' is represented by D1.
Your task is to write a program which sorts a given set of cards in ascending order by their values using the Bubble Sort algorithms and the Selection Sort algorithm respectively. These algorithms should be based on the following pseudocode:
1 for i = 0 to C.length-1
2 for j = C.length-1 downto i+1
3 if C[j].value < C[j-1].value
4 swap C[j] and C[j-1]
1 for i = 0 to C.length-1
2 mini = i
3 for j = i to C.length-1
4 if C[j].value < C[mini].value
5 mini = j
6 swap C[i] and C[mini]
Note that, indices for array elements are based on 0-origin.
For each algorithm, report the stability of the output for the given input (instance). Here, 'stability of the output' means that: cards with the same value appear in the output in the same order as they do in the input (instance).