Breadth First Search
Write a program which reads an directed graph G=(V,E), and finds the shortest distance from vertex 1 to each vertex (the number of edges in the shortest path). Vertices are identified by IDs 1,2,...n.
Time Limit | $1$ 秒/Second(s) | Memory Limit | $512$ 兆字节/Megabyte(s) |
提交总数 | $0$ | 正确数量 | $0$ | "
裁判形式 | 标准裁判/Standard Judge | 我的状态 | 尚未尝试 |
难度 | 分类标签 | STL |
Breadth First Search
Write a program which reads an directed graph G=(V,E), and finds the shortest distance from vertex 1 to each vertex (the number of edges in the shortest path). Vertices are identified by IDs 1,2,...n.
In the first line, an integer n denoting the number of vertices, is given. In the next n lines, adjacent lists of vertex u are given in the following format:
u k v1 v2 ... vk
u is ID of the vertex and k denotes its are IDs of vertices adjacent to u.
1 2 2 4
2 1 4
3 0
4 1 3
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 1
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算法最快[$ $ms] | |||
内存最少[$ $KB] | |||
第一AC | |||
第一挑战 |
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