Problem 2901 --2.4.5 Fractions to Decimals

2901: 2.4.5 Fractions to Decimals

Time Limit $1$ 秒/Second(s) Memory Limit $512$ 兆字节/Megabyte(s)
提交总数 $5$ 正确数量 $3$
裁判形式 标准裁判/Standard Judge 我的状态 尚未尝试
难度 分类标签 usaco 数学

Write a program that will accept a fraction of the form N/D, where N is the numerator and D is the denominator and print the decimal representation. If the decimal representation has a repeating sequence of digits, indicate the sequence by enclosing it in brackets. For example, 1/3 = denoted as 0.(3), and 41/333 = denoted as 0.(123). Use xxx.0 to denote an integer. Typical conversions are:

1/3     =  0.(3)
22/5    =  4.4
1/7     =  0.(142857)
2/2     =  1.0
3/8     =  0.375
45/56   =  0.803(571428)


A single line with two space separated integers, N and D, 1 <= N,D <= 100000. 
The decimal expansion, as detailed above. If the expansion exceeds 76 characters in length, print it on multiple lines with 76 characters per line. 
45 56

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算法最快[$0 $ms] 刘成健 448230 2019-07-19 16:35:36
内存最少[$1700 $KB] 刘成健 448230 2019-07-19 16:35:36
第一AC 刘成健 448230 2019-07-19 16:35:36
第一挑战 刘成健 448230 2019-07-19 16:35:36

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